IHS 54

Scholarship & Competitions

IHS Awards and Performance Contests

The information below pertains to all IHS Awards and Contest Programs. Please read this information before completing any application material.

Applications for all IHS awards and contests are available online or by contacting the IHS Executive Director. All application materials should be sent to Julia Burtscher, Executive Director, by email at exec-director@hornsociety.org, or by completing the appropriate online application.

The preferred language for applications is English; however, an applicant whose native language is not English may submit applications in his/her native language, with an English translation. Applicants may seek and receive outside assistance in completing this translation, but versions in both languages must be submitted.

Recorded materials for all IHS contests and awards must be in MP3 Audio. Other formats may be converted for transmission to the judges but may lose quality in the process.

Previous first prize winners of IHS Awards and performance contests are ineligible to participate in the same award or contest. All awards must be used in the year they are awarded. Awards including IHS memberships will include a membership extension for current members.

The International Horn Society reserves the right to cancel competitions or withhold one or more awards if, in the opinion of the judges, conditions warrant such action.

Barry Tuckwell Award

The Barry Tuckwell Award was established in 1997 to honor the IHS Founding President and is designed to encourage and support worthy horn students as they pursue education and performance opportunities by attending and participating in masterclasses and workshops throughout the world. Application deadline December 15, 2021.

The Jon Hawkins Memorial Award

Jon Hawkins was a Life Member of the IHS, just starting his career as a professional musician when he met his death in a traffic accident. His parents, Neil and Runa Hawkins, established this award as a memorial to their son. A biography of Jon Hawkins appears on page 108 in the October 1992 issue of The Horn Call.

This award encourages the attendance of deserving, highly motivated horn students at the annual IHS symposiums, where they can be intensely exposed to state-of-the-art levels of performance, pedagogy, equipment, and resources.

Paul Mansur Award

This award, named for the longtime Editor of The Horn Call, Emeritus Dean, and IHS Honorary Member, Paul Mansur. It provides opportunities for full-time students attending the IHS international symposium to receive a lesson from a world renowned artist or teacher.

IHS Premier Soloist Competition

The purpose of this competition is to nurture and develop the great horn soloists of the future. All finalists are expected to pay for travel to the Symposium and register as a participant.

Frizelle Orchestral Audition Contests

The Dorothy Frizelle Memorial Fund was established in her memory to support the study of orchestral horn playing at IHS workshops.